kolmapäev, 20. veebruar 2013

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"Any man who will question the divinity of the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ, or will deny the so-called miracles of the scriptures is unfit to be a teacher of Latter-day Saint children." (Joseph F. Smith, Improvement Era Vol. 21, p. 104)

"Parents are commanded by revelation to teach their children these principles of the gospel... Then they go to school and find these glorious principles ridiculed and denied by the doctrines of men founded on foolish theories which deny that man is the offspring of God... These theories so dominate the secular education of our youth. They are constantly published in our newspapers, in magazines and other periodicals, and those who believe in God and his divine revelations frequently sit supinely by without raising a voice of protest. Under these conditions, is it any wonder the student is confused? He does not know whether to believe what his parents and the Church have taught him, or to believe what the teacher says and is written in the textbook. Naturally, students have confidence in their teachers and as confidence increases, there comes a lack of confidence in the doctrines of the Church and the parental instruction." (Joseph Fielding Smith, Man: His Origin and Destiny, p.2-3.)
 "There is no knowledge, no learning that can compensate the individual for the loss of his belief in heaven and in the saving principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An education that leads a man from these central truths cannot compensate him for the great loss of spiritual things. "(Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:321-322.) 
  "Character is the aim of true education; and science, history, and literature are but means used to accomplish the desired end. Character is not the result of chance work but of continuous right thinking and right acting. . . . True education seeks, then to make men and women not only good mathematicians, proficient linguists, profound scientists, or brilliant literary lights, but also honest men, combined with virtue, temperance, and brotherly love -- men and women who prize truth, justice, wisdom, benevolence, and self-control as the choicest acquisitions of a successful life. . . . It is regrettable, not to say deplorable, that modern education so little emphasizes these fundamental elements of true character. The principal aim of many of our schools and colleges seems to be to give the students purely intellectual attainments and to give but passing regard to the nobler and more necessary development along moral lines." (David O. McKay, Gospel Ideals p. 440-441)
"We are not only to teach purely gospel subjects by the power of the Spirit. We are also to teach secular subjects by the power of the Spirit, and we are obligated to interpret the content of secular subjects in the light of revealed truth."(Marion G. Romney "Temples of Learning," BYU annual university conference, September 1966)

"The Lord organized the family unit in the beginning. He intended that the home be the center of learning - that the father and mother be teachers... As prophetic events unfold, one thing is certain: we will all need to teach more within the walls of our own homes. In the Book of Mormon we find some models: "I Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father" (1 Nephi 1:1). No doubt Nephi was taught the things of the Spirit - his writings reveal that. He probably was taught practical matters as well, for he was a very resourceful man. Today that son is fortunate whose father teaches him somewhat in all his learning." (A. Theodore Tuttle, Ensign, Nov. 1979, p.27)
"Any system, therefore, which forcibly takes from the parents the power to control what their children are taught, and who teaches them, is contrary to the Lord's plan. It deprives parents of their most sacred stewardship and takes the child away from those who are most deeply concerned with his welfare. No state employee whose purpose in teaching is to get gain can be expected to serve the interests of the child as well as the parents who render their service without compensation. More especially this is true when the teacher is prohibited by law from instilling faith in the child... Since state-financed education is one of the principle doctrines of communism, those who accept it have adopted much of the socialist program... It is a widely recognized fact that public schools and universities are the foremost advocates of socialism because they teach it both in theory and in practice." (H. Verlan Andersen, The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil, p. 135-136.)
"It is a fundamental truth that the responsibilities of motherhood cannot be successfully delegated. No, not to day-care centers, not to schools, not to nurseries, not to babysitters. We become enamored with men’s theories such as the idea of preschool training outside the home for young children. Not only does this put added pressure on the budget, but it places young children in an environment away from mother’s influence. Too often the pressure for popularity, on children and teens, places an economic burden on the income of the father, so mother feels she must go to work to satisfy her children’s needs. That decision can be most shortsighted. It is mother’s influence during the crucial formative years that forms a child’s basic character. Home is the place where a child learns faith, feels love, and thereby learns from mother’s loving example to choose righteousness. How vital are mother’s influence and teaching in the home—and how apparent when neglected!" (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, Nov. 1981, p. 104)
"Parents have the responsibility to educate their children. No inappropriate outsider should be allowed to dictate our family's values nor what our children are being taught... In medieval times, great fortresses were built around castles or cities to protect them from enemy attacks. In the Book of Mormon, the Nephites built fortresses to defend their families against the enemies. We must make of our homes fortresses to protect our families against the constant attacks of the adversary." (Horacio A. Tenorio, Ensign, Nov. 1994 p. 23.) 

1 kommentaar:

Mizi Margueron ütles ...

Kes kunagi seda tunnistust loeb, peaks minuga ja minu perega tähistama, sest see kõik algas naljana mõnedele inimestele ja teised ütlesid, et see on võimatu. Minu nimi on Kaapo Jääger ja mina olen Tallinnast, kuid kolisin oma naisega Chicago USAsse. Ma olen õnnelikult abielus kahe lapsega ja armas naine. Minu perekonnaga juhtus midagi kohutavat, kui ma kaotasin oma töö ja mu naine lahkus mu majast, sest ma ei suutnud enda ja perekonna vajaduste eest hoolitseda. tema ja minu laste kohta. Mul õnnestus üheksa aastat mitte mingit abikaasat, et mind laste eest hoolitseda. Ma proovin saata oma naisele testisõnumi, kuid ta blokeerib mulle, et ma temaga rääkida püüan rääkida oma sõbra ja tema pereliikmetega, kuid siiski teavad, et võiks mind aidata ja ma olen esitanud taotluse nii paljudele ettevõtetele, kuid nad tegid siiski ärge kutsuge mind, kuni tuli ustav päev, et ma ei unusta kunagi oma elus.Kui kohtasin oma vana sõbra, kellega ma selgitasin kõiki oma raskusi ja rääkis mulle suurest mehest, kes teda aitaks saada head tööd coca cola firma ja ta ütles mulle, et tema loitsu ratas, kuid ma olen inimene, kes ei usu kunagi õigekirja rattaga, kuid otsustasin talle proovida ja Drigbinovia õpetas mind ja näitas mulle, mida need seitse päeva lõunasöögi ajal teha. Ma järgin kõiki juhiseid ja teen seda, mida ta palus mul hästi teha.Drigbinovia veenduge, et kõik läks hästi ja mu naine näeks mind jälle pärast Drigbonovia imelist tööd. Mu naine helistab mulle tundmatu arvuga ja vabandas ning ta ütles mulle, et ta tõesti jätab mind ja meie lapsed ja mu naise tagasi koju. Ja kahe päeva pärast Ettevõte, kellele ma esitan oma tänulikkuse kirja, nüüd olen ma Ameerika Ühendriikides. Soovitan teile, kui teil on probleeme, saatke sellele e-kirjale teade: doctorigbinovia93@gmail.com või WhatsApp talle aadressil +2348144480786 ja saate parima tulemuse. Võtke asjad enesestmõistetavaks ja see võetakse sinult. Ma soovin teile parimat.