Viimasel ajal räägivad kõik inimesed ümberringi majanduskriisist...
Eriti kirutakse seda, et mindi kallale lasteaedade rahale. Küll mul on hea meel, et see meie peret ei puuduta. Ei ole meie mingit raha saanud, selleks et osta mänguasju, toalettpaberit jne Ka ei saa keegi vähendada koduse emme palka, selleks on endiselt kallid-musid, imelised hetked, meeliülendavad kogemused:)
Ohh... küll ma olen ikka õnnelik!
„There is no activity that has a more profound impact for good on society than a mother spending loving time nurturing and training a child in the true principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And there is no greater void than the absence of a mother from her child during the formative years of that child's life. Please guard against any influence or circumstance which would take a mother from the side of her child more than is absolutely necessary.“
Mary Ellen Smoot
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